Changes to Bandwidth Calculation
It has recently become clear that bandwidth usage on the server is too high, especially when we take into consideration the fact that there is still a significant amount of free space still available on the server. I have been keeping my eye on where the extra bandwidth is going, and it has become clear that a few users are utilizing significant amounts of bandwidth to upload their files to Google Drive. Regretfully, we cannot sustain this exemption as the server is simply pushing too much data and we have our own quotas to meet.
Thus, I regret to inform you that as of October 1st, the firewall rules will be re-written to include ports 80 and 443 for data that is sent by your user unless you are a Zeta user.
What does this mean for you?
- Download from Google Drive (i.e. for Plex usage) will still not be counted (download is unmetered)
- Using HTTP to transfer files directly via the webserver will also not be counted (i.e. downloads from your panel are data that is sent by the www-data user, thus not marked)
- We are not adjusting rules regarding FTP/SFTP
- Zeta users will continue to be able to utilize this feature as is